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What is the Ultimate Mystery Bag?
What is a Mystery Bag?
Our Mystery Bags are just that, a branded tote or travel bag filled with surprise products selected just for you. Each of these bags is hand-picked by our customer service team, and licensed Cosmetologists! Each of these Mystery Bags has a product value of $60.00, but you get so much more!
Why do we love building these?
We build these in order to introduce you to different products and brands in hopes that we may get you a new favorite! We carry over 100 different brands, and we know you haven't tried them all!
How do you get one?
Any order over $250 qualifies for a free mystery bag with your order. Simply fill your cart till you reach that minimum order value, click check out, and choose your bag in the free gift section. No code entering needed!
Shop our hundreds of different products and get your Mystery Bag today with Beauty Care Choices.