New Products Consideration Request

Greetings from, where we curate the finest beauty products to delight our discerning clientele. Thank you for considering us as a potential retail partner for your esteemed brand. Before we embark on a partnership, here are some crucial insights we need to know about your brand:

  1. Shipping Details: Where do your products ship from, and what are the associated charges?
  2. Product Imagery: Do you possess high-resolution images, preferably without backgrounds, or will you require assistance in this regard?
  3. Ingredient Transparency: Can you provide digital copies of your product ingredients for transparency and compliance purposes?
  4. Wholesale Pricing: What are your wholesale margins for retailers like us?
  5. Returns Policy: What is your policy regarding product returns and exchanges?
  6. Media Presence: Have you received any recent press coverage, or do you have any upcoming media plans?
  7. Social Media Following: What are your current social media following numbers on platforms relevant to our audience?
  8. Sampling Support: Do you offer samples or travel-sized versions of your products to facilitate our online sampling program?
  9. Retailer Authorization: Who are your current authorized retailers, if any?
  10. Level of Brand Support Interest: Are you looking for assistance with 3rd party platforms like Amazon, TikTok shops, managing your D2C website or simply a retail partner?
  11. And most important, do you like to have fun? Because we find we are most successful with those that do!

By providing this information, you enable us to make informed decisions regarding the potential partnership, ensuring mutual success and satisfaction for both parties involved. We look forward to learning more about your brand.