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Ingredient: Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is oil distilled from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus globulus). The tree is known for its fast growth, making eucalyptus oil a sustainable ingredient. The leaves are dried, crushed, and distilled to release the essential oil. After the oil has been extracted, it must be diluted before it can be used in products. The Eucalyptus tree is native to Australia; it is now grown all around the world! Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, and herbicidal properties. It is also said that Eucalyptus oil can improve the overall health of your hair by stimulating the hair follicles promoting hair growth. It also relieves itchy scalp and treat head lice! Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Although not proven by clinical research, advocates of eucalyptus oil for hair believe that the oil can help reduce scalp inflammation to create an ideal environment for hair growth. Eucalyptus also helps dry up blemishes and acne outbreaks, reducing inflammation and pain. The oil's anti-bacterial properties also help reduce the chance of future outbreaks, who doesn't love that!

Eucalyptus is believed to have a number of medicinal properties, although not all of them have been confirmed yet by research. In the late 19th century, eucalyptus oil was used in most hospitals in England to clean urinary catheters. It is also believed to help with colds and respiratory symptoms. Herbal remedies recommend using fresh leaves in a gargle to relieve a sore throat, sinusitis, and bronchitis. Also, eucalyptus oil vapor can be used as a decongestant when inhaled.

Do you suffer from muscle and joint pain? Eucalyptus may help! Pure eucalyptus extract may act as a pain reliever, and research indicates that the oil may have analgesic (pain relieving) properties. It is a common ingredient in a lot of CBD products because of this.

Other conditions that eucalyptus may help with include:

  • Arthritis - potentially due to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • A blocked nose
  • Wounds and burns
  • Ulcers
  • Cold sores - perhaps due to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Bladder diseases
  • Diabetes - eucalyptus might help lower blood sugar
  • Fever and Flu symptoms

    Eucalyptus products can generally be used safely on the skin, as long as the oil is diluted. It should not be applied directly onto the skin until it is diluted with a carrier oil, such as olive oil. The dilution should be between 1 percent and 5 percent eucalyptus oil to between 95 percent and 99 percent carrier oil; this equates to roughly one to five drops of essential oil in an ounce of carrier oil. Eucalyptus can produce irritation and a burning sensation. If you have sensitive skin, we suggest trying a patch test before use. Still with all of these wonderful (and sustainable) benefits we highly recommend looking for eucalyptus globulus leaf oil in your ingredient list!

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