Zenagen Shower Timer 1piece

Zenagen Shower Timer 1piece Zenagen Shower Timer

1 piece
Size: 1 piece
$8.00 USD
Keep an eye on the clock while in the shower with the Zenagen Shower Timer. Zenagen just made your routine easier with this convenient shower timer! The Zenagen Shower Timer is waterproof and digital so it is easy to use and read. Set to measure 5 minutes for the amount of time you leave the product on before washing it out! Because the Zenagen collection works on a green tea delivery system, you must allow the proper amount of time for nutrients to penetrate both dermal layers of the scalp and treat hair loss at the source. For this process to take place the treatment must be left on the scalp for at least five minutes, making this shower timer an ideal addition to your morning routine.
Turn the timer upside down to achieve the perfect amount of time to leave the Zenagen Treatment on the scalp.