Rubis Switzerland Colibri Cuticle Scissors 1piece

Rubis Switzerland Colibri Cuticle Scissors 1piece

1 piece
Size: 1 piece
$52.00 USD
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With an Award-Winning Handle Design; Rubis Colibri Cuticle Scissors have a sharp, curved blade for easy trimming. Made from the finest Swedish stainless steel, they won't rust when disinfecting. These scissors are not simply stamped out of metal; they are elaborately turned pieces of martensitic steel. Martensitic steel is acid-proof and rust-resistant.
You should always devote a little time to your cuticles. The process of cuticle management needs to be as protective as it is precise. Before treatment, moisten the skin with a specialized cuticle product or soften the area around the nail by dipping the fingertips in a lukewarm mixture of water and oil or submerging them in warm, soapy water. Carefully push back the loose cuticle before removing it from around the nail bed with our Colibri cuticle scissors. You will then have a beautiful half-moon curve on each nail once again. Finish by applying a nourishing nail cream. To avoid damaging the delicate cuticle, you should only ever cut, never pull, the loose cuticle or unwanted skin. Our tip: Provided you use Rubis Colibri scissors for cuticle management only, you will find that the delicate tips never lose their precision and sharpness, even after many years.