Information & Image Guidelines

  • Your brand page located on Beauty Care Choices will need a bit of information to help inform potential customers on your brand.

    Short Description:
    255 character maximum (including spaces). No images, links, or special formatting (bold, italics, lists, ect).

    This text will appear at the top of your brand page, over your brand image. example

    Long Description:
    Unlimited characters. Images, links, and special formatting are allowed. External links are not allowed.

    This text will appear on the bottom of your brand page, below your products. example

    Copyright & Trademarks:
    If you require specific copyright (©), trademark (™), or registered trademark (®) representation, please include the requirements.

    We value your brand, and will do everything in our power to keep your intellectual property well represented on Beauty Care Choices.

  • In addition to basic information, we will need your brand logo.

    Logo Requirements:
    500 pixel width .PNG on transparent background. example

    Logo Recommendations:
    Vectored (.EPS or .AI)

    Vectored logos have the unique ability to scale without any quality loss. This allows us to feature your brand in print media easily.

    Brand Header Image:
    While optional, utilizing a brand header image has proven to increase conversions for every brand we've tested.

    Please make sure the header image you supply is at least 1300x500px.

    Header Image Source Material:
    We request that you also include copies of your source images, preferably high resolution (150-300dpi | 2500px+), or the largest size you have available.

    This will allow us to keep on-brand when including your brand in any additional marketing materials, such as seasonal catalogs, homepage banners, and emails. example

  • In order to quickly import your product information into our databases, structured and clear product information is needed. If you have a website that lists each of the below requirements, you may simply send us the URL.

    Information Requirements:
    All information must be in a true-text PDF, Excel, or Word document. A complete and comprehensive website will also be accepted. Flat images or flat PDFs will not work.

    The best option is to have ALL product information contained in a single Excel spreadsheet. This will get your brand online and shipping out in no time.

    When we have to scour a website or piece information together it may take much longer to see your brand start selling on Beauty Care Choices.

    Product Information:
    Product Name, Price, MSRP, Product Description, and Directions for Use.

    Without question, these must be in a true-text format (as listed above).

    Product Ingredients:
    A complete list of each product's ingredients are required to list your brand on Beauty Care Choices.

    Without question, these must be in a true-text format (as listed above).

    In order to market your brand effectively, we require all products to have an associated UPC in our database. They must be supplied in a true-text format (listed above).

    UPCs are the barcodes found on each of your products. example

  • Clear, professional images not only improve your brand image, but they're proven to increase sales for your brand. Using these guidelines will ensure your brand is quickly added to Beauty Care Choices and you start seeing sales.

    Product Image Requirements:
    1000x1000 uncompressed JPG on a pure white background. example

    Product image Recommendations:
    2000x2000 uncompressed PNG on a transparent background. example

    Required Images:
    Each product must have a single associated image. Product collages and group shots are not acceptable.

    If you have a product with color or size variants, you also need to supply a unique image for each color and size.

It is our goal to ensure all manufacturers are happy with they way Beauty Care Choices portrays their brand. Webmaster assistance is always available Monday through Friday, 9am-6pm PST. Please call 866-409-7227 or email with any concerns. All correspondence regarding requests or changes is sent via email. It is very important you provide us with an email address for the best service possible.
Webmaster Hours
Monday-Friday • 9:00am - 6:00pm
Main Number
(530) 222-2950
Toll Free
(866) 409-7227
(530) 222-2977